Lisa Miller

Senior Fellow

Lisa L. Miller is a Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University. She has her B.A. from the University of Virginia and her Ph.D. from the University of Washington. Her research interests are in law and constitutions, crime and punishment, racial inequality, democratic accountability, and social policy.

Miller’s most recent book, The Myth of Mob Rule: Violent Crime and Democratic Politics (Oxford University Press, 2016), explores the politics of crime and punishment cross-nationally. Her scholarly articles been published in Law and Society Review, Perspectives on Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics, Punishment and Society, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, and Criminology, among others. Her previous books include: The Perils of Federalism: Race, Poverty and the Politics of Crime Control (OUP, 2008) and the Politics of Community Crime Prevention (Dartmouth/Ashgate, 2001). Professor Miller’s work has also appeared in Boston Review, The New York Times, The GuardianYale Law and Political Economy blog, and Lawyers, Guns, and Money.

Miller has served as the John G. Winant Professor of American Government at the Rothermere American Institute (University of Oxford), a Visiting Fellow at All Souls College at the University of Oxford, and as a Visiting Scholar at the Program in Law and Public Affairs at Princeton University.

Lisa's Analysis

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