Kristie De Peña

Senior Vice President for Policy and Director of Immigration Policy

De Peña has over a decade of experience leading initiatives to shape policy at the national level. She is known for her expertise in analyzing complex issues, crafting innovative policy solutions, and building coalitions to effect change.

Before joining Niskanen, Kristie held various positions in the public and nonprofit sectors, where she gained invaluable experience in law, policy analysis, and advocacy. She earned her LL.M. in national security and foreign policy from George Washington University School of Law and her J.D. from the University of Iowa College of Law.

De Peña is a prolific commentator on immigration issues, routinely contributing to media reports and participating in panel discussions and conferences. De Peña has also written for prominent publications, including the New York Times and Time magazine, and is frequently cited in CNBC, The New York Times, USA Today, Bloomberg, Washington Examiner, National Review, The Hill, and Newsweek. She was named one of the most influential people shaping policy in 2024 by the Washingtonian.

In the News

Op-Ed: How much immigration power does Joe Biden have?
February 27, 2024 • Kristie De Peña
Statement: Niskanen supports bipartisan border deal
February 5, 2024 • Kristie De Peña
Op-Ed: Looking for an immigration bill that can pass? It’s health care
September 24, 2023 • Kristie De Peña,  Cecilia Esterline
Op-Ed: Aging Americans face bleak futures unless we let new immigrants help
September 6, 2023 • Kristie De Peña,  Robert Leonard

Kristie's Analysis

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